Responsive Web Design; Principles, necessity and advantagesNovember 02 ,2023

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The goal of responsive web design is to build websites with user interfaces (UI) that adjust to different screen sizes and devices to offer the best possible viewing and user experience, when a website is designed using responsive design, its elements and layout change in real-time to fit the screen size and resolution of the audience member's internet-accessing device. The main objective of responsive web design is to make your website accessible and easy for people on all devices, including smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktop computers. Any best web development company in Kochi can assist you in achieving this aim.

Principles of Responsive Web Design

Regardless of the device being used to view your website, the following guidelines, often known as best practices, for responsive web design will guarantee adaptability and a positive user experience:

Start with the tiniest displays.

This idea, commonly referred to as the "mobile-first" strategy, states that a website should be made primarily for mobile devices before taking larger screens into account. Starting with mobile devices when designing a responsive website guarantees that it is optimised for smaller screens and constrained resources like bandwidth and processing power.
A streamlined user experience, efficiency, and simplicity are prioritised when starting with the smallest screens. Within a constrained area, you can select and display features and materials that are essential. By doing this, the UI will remain clear and easy to use without becoming cluttered. When the mobile version is finished, make the design bigger and better for larger screens.

Improve the visual symmetry

Designing adaptable websites requires a visual hierarchy since different devices have varied amounts of screen real estate. Improving it guarantees that customers, irrespective of their device, can effortlessly explore and comprehend the material. It enhances usability and general satisfaction by contributing to the creation of a unified and captivating UX.

Make Flexible Images and Flowing Grids

Content can be dynamically resized and rearranged to fit various devices by implementing a fluid grid. It guarantees that irrespective of screen size, the website retains a constant structure and readability. The grid's scalable and repositionable elements offer a smooth and effective user experience.
Flexible images resize proportionately without distortion or cropping, keeping their aspect ratio as the screen width varies. CSS methods are used by designers to achieve flexibility.
For instance, if the image's maximum width is set to 100%, it will scale down proportionately to fit inside its container. To keep the aspect ratio intact and avoid skewed or stretched photos, the height is automatically adjusted.

Choose the correct typography

Both website aesthetics and readability depend on typography. You have to use typefaces in responsive web design that adapt to various screen sizes, resolutions, and devices. Here are some insightful tips for choosing fonts:
Make sure the font sizes and typefaces you select are readable on a range of screen sizes, particularly on tiny devices like smartphones. Next, pick fonts that will remain clear and sharp on any device or screen resolution by scaling effectively without sacrificing visual quality. To direct visitors' attention from the most to the least significant content pieces, you must create a clear typographic hierarchy. To make the line length comfortable to read, adjust it. It can be difficult to see long lines of text, particularly on smaller screens. Make sure there is enough contrast between the text and the background to improve legibility, especially for users who are blind or visually challenged. 

Put content-centric breakdowns in there.

It might be difficult to develop a responsive website so that all content—including video and text with varying text lengths—looks great on all screens. For this reason, content should come first in design rather than hardware. To do this, identify breakpoints (the precise "points" at which the design and content change to deliver a pleasant user experience), paying particular attention to the content that will be shown. By using content-centric breakpoints, you can make sure that the layout looks well on a variety of devices and efficiently displays all kinds of material.

Never hide content.

There used to be a misperception that some content was meant to be concealed for mobile devices. However, since individuals now use mobile devices for internet access in a variety of settings and depend on them, this strategy has evolved. Don't conceal content from mobile users as a result. Rather, concentrate on figuring out how to display it in a way that is easy to use and available on all platforms. Regardless of the device, consumers can get all the information they require when content is shown with a focus on user experience (UX) across all screen sizes.
Put accessibility first.

Equal access and usability for all users, including those with impairments or disabilities, should be offered via a responsive website. Make sure your website design has features like colour contrast, keyboard accessibility, screen reader compatibility, well-organised information, and accessible forms. By putting accessibility best practices into practice, you make sure that everyone can view, interact with, and navigate the material on your website, fostering a welcoming and inclusive user experience. 

Response to Testing

By putting the website through responsiveness testing, you can make sure it works and adjusts to different screen sizes and devices. Websites that use responsive web design provide a uniform and easy-to-use interface across all platforms, removing the need for users to scroll, pinch, or zoom to view the content. It increases usability, accessibility, and compatibility with the ever-expanding range of internet-browsing devices.


As per the statistics, a startling 6.92 billion people, or around 86% of the world's population, use cell phones to access the internet. This statistic emphasises the value of responsive web design concepts, which create user interfaces (UI) that adjust to the device or browser of the viewer to deliver an enjoyable user experience (UX). It is the era of responsive web designs and Sienti Solutions, the best web designing company in Kochi, is one of the leading service providers in the same field.